Michael Winslow is coming to Tacoma! Appearing Sunday, between 5PM and 6PM at House of Cannabis – Tacoma for a Meet and Greet. Come meet “The Man of 10,000 Sound Effects” and experience his stunning gift in person, in an intimate environment. After the meet and greet, 30+ lucky fans will board a party bus with Michael to enjoy an elevated tour of evening-time Tacoma with hilarity and hijinx certain to ensue over the next 60-90 minutes.
In order to be entered to join the VIP bus, you can do one of two things (no purchase is necessary… You must be 21 years old.
1) you can share the Facebook Event to your own Facebook page (it needs to be a public share so we can see it and put your name in) OR…..
2) Come in to the store and write down your first name and phone #, and put it in the envelope for the drawing. That happens at 5PM on Saturday, and we’ll be reaching out via phone immediately thereafter to notify folks.
It’d be nice