Reminiscing of past Hempfests… always such a stoned memory. Our Seattle Hempfest weekends usually started in Bremerton. My friends and I would congregate for the free ferry ride to Seattle where we would roll joints in the bathroom to gear up for the brutal walk North. Once we landed in Seattle if we weren’t feeling bougee enough to flag down a bike cart we would get to stepping quickly so we could start sparking those freshly rolled joints in the safety of the Hempfest gates.
Before a recreational market was established in Washington my friends and I would always be super excited to accumulate edibles from various sources at Hempfest. Once a year we would have access to all these awesome new stoners that we would never get access to in our hometown little stoner circles. My strategy was always to seek out the hippiest looking grandmas because they would never disappoint when it came to dank ass edibles. Boy did I bite off more than I could chew one or two times, lets just thank god for the massive amount of food vendors that are available for us at the Munchie Market. Nowadays it’s very easy to get your hands on tasty baked goods or any type of edible with recreational stores scattered everywhere, my friends, we’re spoiled compared to how it used to be.
The more I think about it, Hempfest is like a weed smoker’s version of comic-con, it has everything, and anything weed related legally available, except for marijuana. So be smart; bring some doobies, blunts, vape pens, edibles, whatever your heart desires just practice good safe consumption habits, partake once you get inside the gates. Don’t forget to bring a little extra cash to avoid getting slaughtered by the ATM fee’s and lines. One more tip, you’re allowed to bring your own water through the gates. We all know what its like to get caught with some brutal cotton mouth on a dazed August day, so do yourself a favor and bring that thirst quencher.
Stay tuned as we amp up for Hempfest as we will be running some in store sales to gear you up for the festivities. More to come on that as we approach our holy weekend.
Hempfest is August 16-18 at Myrtle Edwards Park just west of Seattle Center. We might not be there officially as House of Cannabis, but you can bet your best nugs a few of us will be there in our free time so if you see us, give us a shout, and be prepared for an instantaneous smoke session to commence. Peace and Love ya’ll.
Editors’ Note: Check out the video, below, for a little history in to what stopped Tacoma Hempfest, just 8 years ago this summer.